Friday, 8 May 2009

7 - 8 May 2009 (Steven)

Still wading my way through Judges. More chapters that begin with "Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord". Today I was reading about Samson. Quite a petulant, bloodthirsty yob who threw his toys out the cot when he didn't get his own way. A bit like your average playground bully, in fact...

Some REALLY exciting reading (not!) these past couple of days. Our district Synod is coming up, so I spent last night wading through this 118-page tome known as the Synod Blue Book. This was followed by some research in Laws and Discipline and the 2009 Yearbook in order to prepare a resolution to be tabled by our Circuit at the Synod. I really need to get out more...

1 comment:

Jenny Hillebrand said...

Yes, I've also read through most of the blue book. I would say that we are not going to learn any more about our destiny at synod after all. Three years of college it is.