Friday, 15 May 2009

13 to 15 May (Jenny)

I have to concede that I'm not managing to note everything I read. And maybe that's good - except sometimes the stuff I read just because I pick it up and it interests me is what I want to note. But I only realise it later.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: (JK Rowling) Another reread. This is the first time I am rereading it and I think I am enjoying it more than the first. The plot was at such a pitch last time that all that really mattered was finding out what was going to happen!
The Serenity Prayer: (Trevor Hudson). The courage to change the things that you can. This being yourself. Myself.
2 Samuel 4 & 5: Are we a twisted people? In that the most studied part of David's life seems to be his relationship with Bathsheba? In 2 Samuel the love and respect that he gives Saul and Saul's family, in spite of their persecution of him, is phenomenal. We see David being a 'man after God's heart'.

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