Saturday, 16 May 2009

15 to 16 May (Jenny)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Harry needs to decide whether to trust that Dumbledore really had his best interests at heart or not. I don't know if JK Rowling would like it or not, but the themes in Harry Potter relate well to Christian themes. We also need to decide whether we can trust our apparently absent God. Does he really have our best interests at heart?

The Serenity Prayer: The wisdom to know the difference. How to decide whether to accept or change. Ask God, look for an inner conviction, pursue the choice that seems to bring peace to your heart.

Rick Warren: I read an article from his Toolbox that says pastors should 'come clean with God'. It gives six steps that lead to confession and a closer walk with God.

Lance Witt: The dangers of ambition and self-promotion. How to avoid overdoing it.

2 Samuel 7: David becomes angry with God.

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