Friday, 15 May 2009

14 - 15 May 2009 (Steven)

Getting to the "cool" stuff I read as a kid - the anointing of Saul; David and Goliath. I still remember those stick drawings I did in Standard Two of Samuel being surrounded by about a million (well, okay, ten) Israelites, who were shouting "We want a king!" Then little David going up against big Goliath - wow! Then not-so-little David decapitating the fallen Goliath - double wow!

On the DEWCOM website there is a paper presented by Ndikho Mtshiselwa of UNISA's Department of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies dealing with a thorough exegesis of Leviticus 18:22, one of the so-called "proof texts" dealing with homosexuality. To be honest, after wading through this 25-page analysis (excluding bibliography, which runs to a further three pages), it's mostly Greek to me (not to mention quite a bit of Hebrew as well), and the conclusion - which states that this text may possibly not be dealing with same-sex relationships, but is unclear on what it actually is addressing then - leaves me none the wiser. Probably because I'm still thinking like an accountant who likes there to be a credit for every debit!

Boring stuff
I got the Rules of the MCSA Supernumerary Fund this morning. 28 pages of "whereas" and "save to the extent that" and "notwithstanding" - eish!

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