Sunday, 17 May 2009

16 to 18 May (Jenny)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Finished this. Enjoyed it much more than the first time. JKR is really good.

Emily's Quest: LM Montgomery. An Anne of Green Gables type of book. My head was too sore to do anything constructive yesterday afternoon. Unexpectedly struck a chord with loneliness as a prominant theme.

Sticky Church: by Larry Osborne. Almost the opposite to Total Church - how to do community in a busy world (and more). I bought this book because I wanted to call my Masters dissertation 'How to Make Sticky Christian Communities'. I thought that he and I must be on a wavelength. And we are.

The Serenity Prayer: Live one day at a time. I was a little overwhelmed by the list of things that are expected of your 'one day'. But I gather you are supposed to choose one thing from the list. Something to remember - if you live all of your todays carefully, all of your yesterdays will be good.

2 Samuel 7 & 8: David gets stuck in with establishing his kingdom. For years David was a hero because of his conquests. Now this pacifist generation cannot understand how God allowed it. How we love to judge the past that we never knew!

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