Wednesday, 20 May 2009

18 to 20 May (Jenny)

I haven't done too well, because I can't remember what I've read over the last couple of days! Scratch, scratch think . . .
Life Together: Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Hm, this should sound impressive. Actually, it's a short book and I have only read the chapter called Community. I like Bonhoeffer's stand. We ARE the community of Christ, we don't need to create it. We are it. The way I like to put it is that we need to work on expressing it - so my Master's dissertation tends to speak of ways of expressing Christian community. Interesting how this 'old' work relates to stuff that is being written today - so-called 'third culture' thinking. I've ordered 'The Monkey and the Fish' on this. I'm looking forward to a good challenge.
Church and State: Karl Barth. It's really cheating to put this here. I read it quite a while ago and wrote up the relevant part for my thesis and was reworking it yesterday. I so like the clarity of thinking that Barth had. In a sense it is my confort zone. I don't like the fuzziness that we encounter nowadays.
You Magazine: I'm proud of this. I keep meaning to read something that the rest of the world reads. I've only read a couple of articles, but I might manage more! I also bought a Popular Mechanics. Again I've only read a couple of articles. So, I learnt about Jacob Zuma's daughters and um, can't remember. There was an ad for this sony underwater camera/ video camera that looked quite awesome.
TEE College Workbook: Still working on the same course as last week. This material is uninspiring. Almost negatively inspiring. Bringing your psychic energies under the headship of Christ - where the headship of Christ is put in almost as an afterthought. And where the word psychic is not used in a technical sense as Bonhoeffer uses it!
2 Samuel 9&10: David attempts to act altruistically in a cynical and self-serving world. Hooray for David! That's inspiring. Even if it didn't work out too well for him.

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